Violent Crimes and Murder Charges
About Violent Crimes and Murder Cases
Kansas Domestic Violent Crimes Lawyer James L. Spies
Before establishing the Law Office of James L. Spies, P.A. in Kansas City, Kansas, I was a prosecutor who tried many violent crime and murder cases.
Now, in my private criminal defense practice, I recognize the intensity and time needed to prepare and energetically argue these cases.
Some of the violent crime cases I have defended include:
Aggravated assault/aggravated battery
Robbery/aggravated robbery
In my experience, violent crime and murder cases almost always go to trial—rarely are they resolved through plea negotiations. That is where my experience as a seasoned trial attorney becomes invaluable.
When facing a violent crime or murder charge, you need an attorney who will go to trial to secure a favorable outcome for you. You also want a lawyer knowledgeable in the investigative techniques that police detectives employ in gathering evidence and building the case against you.
Violent crime and murder charges are serious, the investigation is likely will be very complex, and the consequences of a conviction are severe. These charges do not go away quickly. My experience has shown me that a careful and detailed defense prepared by an experienced lawyer increases your chances for a successful outcome. As your attorney, I will take the time to prepare your case and conduct a detailed investigation.
For more information on defending against a violent crime or murder charge or to schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense lawyer, please contact me today.

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