News & Results
27+ Years of Experience
Proven Results
100+ Jury Trials
5x Super Lawyers Honoree
“The most professional, well groomed attorney I’ve ever met in my life. Always upfront, beyond KNOWLEDGEABLE and thorough in handling business! It’s a pleasure to have met him and know him. I didn’t like the circumstances under which we met, however I’m thankful to have had my innocence entrusted to him.”
James L. Spies - a regular commentator when news stations need expert legal analysis.
As a regular resource when news stations need expert legal analysis, James comments on the case of Andrew Lester.
Rapper Lyndale mentions Kansas City attorney James L. Spies in second song
If you're looking for an attorney referral, take it from KC's biggest up-and-coming rapper, Lyndale.
Lyndale - “Yammin on em” names James L. Spies as “beating these cases”.
Rapper Lyndale raps about James L. Spies.